Notes - Hirohito's War
1 Allen, Louis, Burma, The Longest War 1941-45 (Phoenix: New Edition, 2000) p.10
2 Latimer, Jon, Burma: The Forgotten War (John Murray, London, 2004) p.17
3 Ibid., p.17
4 Ibid., p.15
5 Warren, Alan, Burma 1942, The Road from Rangoon to Mandalay (Continuum International Publishing Group, London, 2011) p.50
6 Danchev, Alex and Daniel Todman, eds., Alanbrooke, Field Marshal Lord, War Diaries 1939 – 1945 (Phoenix, London, 2002) p.212
7 Hack, Karl and Kevin Blackburn, Did Singapore Have to Fall? Churchill and the Impregnable Fortress (RoutledgeCurzon, London, 2004) p.123
8 Latimer, Burma, p.60
9 Warren, Burma, p.47
10 Ibid., p.47
11 Ford, Daniel, Flying Tigers: Claire Chennault and his American Volunteers, 1941-1942, (Colins Publishers, 2010) p.211
12 Ibid., p.190
13 Warren, Burma, p.63
14 Latimer, Burma, p.48
15 Ibid., p.21
16 Ibid., p.53
17 Ibid., p.54
18 Danchev and Todman, ed., Alanbrooke, p.229
19 Latimer, Burma, p.20
20 Shores, Christopher F., Brian Cull and Izawa Yasuho, Bloody Shambles: The Complete Account of the Air War in the Far East, from the Defence of Sumatra to the Fall of Burma, 1942 (Grub Street Publishing, 1993) p.250
21 Ibid., p.251
22 Ibid., p.262
23 Ibid., p.267
24 Ibid., p.250
25 Ibid. p.251
26 Ibid. p.251
27 Ibid., p.262
28 Ibid., p.267
29 Ford, Daniel, Flying Tigers, p.223
30 Ibid., p.225-6
31 Ibid., p.224-5
32 Ibid., p.228
33 Thompson, Pacific Fury, p.263
34 Latimer, Burma, p.60
35 Tanner R.E.S and David A. Tanner, Burma 1942, Memories of a Retreat (The History Press, 2009) p.60
36 Slim, Field Marshall Viscount, Defeat into Victory (Cassell, Oxord, 1956) p.19
37 Latimer, Burma, p.61
38 Ibid., p.61
39 Ibid., p.61
40 Fowler, William, We Gave Our Today (Wiedenfeld & Nicolson, London, 2009 p.183
41 Ibid., p.183
42 Thompson, Julian, Forgotten Voices of Burma, The Second World War’s Forgotten Conflict (Ebury Press, paperback, UK, 2010) p.4
43 Latimer, Burma, p.63
44 Ibid., p.66
45 Thompson, Forgotten Voices, p.60
46 Allen, Burma, p.51
47 Ford, Flying Tigers, p.244
48 Allen, Burma, p.50
49 Costello, The Pacific War, p.190
50 Ibid., p.211
51 Fellowes-Gordon, Ian, The Battle for Naw Seng’s Kingdom: General Stilwell’s North Burma Campaign and its Aftermath (Leo Cooper, London, 1971) p.14
52 Mitter, Rana, China’s War with Japan 1937-1945 (Allen Lane, London, 2013) p.253
53 Brendon, Piers, The Decline and Fall of the British Empire (Vintage Books, London, 2008) p.405
54 McLynn, Frank, The Burma Campaign (Bodley Head, London, 2010) p.93
55 Fenby, Jonathan, Generalissimo, Chiang Kai-shek and the China He Lost (The Free Press, London, 2003) p.383
56 Mclynn, The Burma Campaign, p.47
57 Slim, Defeat into Victory (Pan Reprints Edition, 2009) p.51
58 Latimer, Burma, p.75
59 Taylor, Jay, The Generalissimo, Chiang Kai-shek and the Struggle for Modern China (First Harvard University Press, Paperback Edition, 2011) p.201
60 Allen, Burma, p.58-9
61 Fowler, We Gave Our Today, p.75
62 Ford, Flying Tigers, p.259
63 Ibid., p.260
64 Ibid., p.260
65 Ibid., p.263
66 Ibid., p.264
68 Ford, Flying Tigers, p.268
69 Ibid., p.268
70 Slim, Defeat into Victory, p.51
71 Tuchman, Sand Against the Wind: Stilwell and the American Experience in China 1911-45 (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 2001) p.282
72 Brendon, The Decline and Fall of the British Empire, p.424
73 Tuchman, Stilwell, p.291
74 Slim, Defeat into Victory, p.55
75 Mclynn, The Burma Campaign, p.6
76 Ibid., p.46
77 Aung San Suu Kyi, Freedom from Fear (Penguin, New York, 1995)
78 Wintle, Justin, Perfect Hostage: Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma and the Generals (Arrow, London, 2007), p.56
79 Allen, Burma, p.21
80 Tuchman, Stilwell, p.274
81 Ibid., p.289
82 White, Theodore, ed., Stilwell, General Joseph, W., The Stilwell Papers (William Sloane Associates, New York, 1971) p.76
83 Ibid., p.77
84 Mitter, China’s War with Japan, p.257
85 Costello, The Pacific War, p.240
86 Tuchman, Stilwell, p.288
87 Costello, The Pacific War, p.240-1
88 Tuchman, Stilwell, p.272
89 Ibid., p.272
90 Latimer, Burma, p.97
91 Warren, Burma, p.209
92 Latimer, Burma, p.103
93 Warren, Burma, p.212
94 Ibid., p.209
95 New York Times, 21st Nov 1991
96 Warren, Burma, p.170
97 Slim, Defeat into Victory, p.90
98 Mitter, China’s War with Japan, p.257
99 Allen, Burma, p.76
100 Warren, Burma, p.225
101 Astor, The Jungle War, p.96
102 Latimer, Burma, p.106
103 Ibid., p.110
104 Fowler, We Gave Our Today, p.81
105 Latimer, Burma, p.111
106 Allen, Burma, p.83
107 Nesbit, Roy Conyers, The Battle for Burma (Pen & Sword, Barnsley, 2009) p.63
108 Fellowes-Gordon, Stilwell’s North Burma Campaign, p.19
109 Barnard, Jack, (Capt.), The Hump (Souvenir Press Ltd., London, 1960) p.141
110 Ibid., p.111
111 Ibid., p.122
112 Ibid., p.120
113 Ibid., p.120
114 Ibid., p.120
115 Latimer, Burma, p.117
116 Warren, Burma, p.234
117 Costello, The Pacific War, p.237
118 Pike, Francis, Empires at War, A Short History of Modern Asia Since World War II (I.B.Tauris, London, 2010) p.102
119 Costello, The Pacific War, p.242
120 Stilwell, Stilwell Papers, p.99
121 Ibid., p.296
122 Webster, Donovan, The Burma Road (MacMillan, London, 2004) p.41
123 Latimer, Burma, p.113
124 Ibid, p.113
125 McLynn, Burma, p.67
126 Mitter, China’s War with Japan, p.259
127 Ibid., p.260
128 Romanus, Charles F. and Riley Sutherland, United States Army in World War II, China-Burma-India Theater (Center of Military History, US Army, Government Printing Office, 2002) p.140
129 Webster, The Burma Road, p.45
130 Rooney, David, Stilwell the Patriot, Vinegar Joe, The Brits and Chiang Kai-shek (Greenhill Books, London, 2005) p.77
131 Tuchman, Stilwell, p.3
132 Mclynn, Burma, p.12
133 Slim, Defeat into Victory, p.125
134 Fowler, We Gave Our Today, p.59
135 Rooney, David, Stilwell the Patriot, Vinegar Joe. The Brits and Chiang Kai-shek (Greenhill Books, London, 2005) p.265
136 Moreman, Tim, The Jungle, Japanese and the British Commonwealth Armies at War, 1941-45 (Frank Cass, Abingdon, 2005) p.47
137 Ibid., p.47
138 Rottman, Gordon, The Japanese Army in World War II (Osprey, Oxford, 2005) p.57
139 Thompson, War in Burma, p.9
140 Warren, Burma, p.249
141 Ibid., p.249
142 Bix, Herbert, Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan (Duckworth, London, 2000) p.452