Notes - Hirohito's War
1 Stourzh, Gerald, Alexander Hamilton and the Idea of Republican Government (Stanford, University Press, 1900) p.192
2 Reynolds, David, Empire of Liberty (Penguin, 2010)
3 Ferguson, Niall, Empire: How Britain Made the Modern World (Allen Lane, London, 2002) p.370
4 Ward-Perkins, Bryan, The Fall of Rome, and the End of Civilization (Oxford, New York, 2005) p.759
5 Lumis, Trevor, Pacific Paradises (Pluto Press, Melbourne, 2005) p.170
6 Morison, Samuel Eliot, The Growth of the American Republic (Oxford University Press, New York, 1969) p.41
7 Reynolds, Japan in the Fascist Era, p.296
8 Ibid., p.298
9 Congressional Record, Senate, 9 January 1900, p. 704-711
10 Costello, John, The Pacific War, 1941-1945 (Harper Perennial, New York, 2009) p.23
11 Ibid., p.23
12 Ibid., p.24
13 Reynolds, Bruce, ed., Japan in the Fascist Era, p.300
14 Beasley, W.G., Japanese Imperialism 1894 – 1945 (Clarendon Press, London, 1987) p.28
15 Hotta, Eri, Pan-Asianism and Japan’s War 1931 – 1945 (Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2007) p.51
16 Ibid., p.55
17 Ibid., p.53
18 Peirson John D., Tokutomi Soho, A Journalist for Modern Japan (Princeton Legacy Library, New Jersey, 1980) p.229
19 Beasley, Japanese Imperialism, p.31
20 Ibid., p.55
21 Ibid., p.65
22 Mclain, James, Japan, A Modern History (W.W. Norton & Co., New York, 2002) p.294
23 Kowner, Rotem, ed., The Impact of the Russo-Japanese War (Routledge, New York, NY, 2007) p.150
24 Hotta, Pan Asianism, p.58
25 Kowner, ed., The Impact of the War on French Politics, Patrick Beillevaire, p.127
26 Kowner, ed., Germany and the Road to the Great War, Mathew S. Seligmann, p.112
27 Kowner, ed., Britain, the Great Powers, and the War, T.G. Otte, p.100
28 Kowner, ed., India and the War, T.R. Sareen, p.242
29 Ibid., p.243
30 Ibid., p.246
31 Ibid., p.247
32 Kowner, ed., Britain, The Great Powers, and the War, Otte, p.101
33 Kowner, ed., The Impact of the War on China, Harold Z. Schiffrin, p.173
34 Ibid., p.180
35 Ibid., p.179
36 Ibid., p.181
37 Ibid., p.176
38 Macmillan, Margaret, Peacmakers: The Paris Conference of 1919 and its Attempts to End War (John Murray, London, 2001) p.17
39 Nish, Ian H., Alliance in Decline, A Study in Anglo-Japanese Relations, 1908 – 1923 (Bloomsbury, London, 2102: first published 1972) p.17
40 Beasley, Japanese Imperialism, p.31
41 Hotta, Pan Asianism, p.42
42 Ibid., p.39
43 Macmillan, Peacemakers, p.321
44 Barnett, Corelli, The Collapse of British Power (Pan Books, London, 2002) p.250
45 Kowner, ed., American Discourse on Race and Religion, Joseph H. Henning, p.161
46 Kowner, ed., The Impact of the Russo-Japanese War, p.148
47 Keane, John, The Life and Death of Democracy (Simon & Schuster, London, 2009) p.508
48 Morrison, Samuel Eliot, The Growth of the American Republic (Oxford University Press, 1950) p.404
49 Keegan, John, Battle at Sea, From Man-of-War to Submarine (Pimlico, London, 2004) p.171
50 Dillon, Michael, China, A Modern History (IB Tauris, London, 2010) p.184
51 Massaro, John, No Guarantee of A Gun, How and Why the Second Amendment Means Exactly What it Says, Jefferson, Thomas, First Inaugural Address, 4 March 1801 (Author House, Bloomington, Indiana, 2009) p.321
52 Macmillan, Peacemakers, p.55
53 Ibid., p.340
54 Ibid., p.343
55 Barnet, The Collapse of British Power, p.253
56 Costello, The Pacific War, p.35
57 Barnet, The Collapse of British Power, p.253
58 Chomsky, Noam, American Power (New York: The New Press, 1967) p.205
59 Nitobe, Inazu, Japanese Nation (Columbia University Press, 2006)
60 Dillon, China, p.146
61 Seagrave, Sterling, The Soong Dynasty (Sidgewick & Jackson, London,) p.147
62 Ibid., p.184
63 Ibid., p.202
64 Dillon, China, p.193
65 Rosefielde, Steven, Red Holocaust (Routledge, Oxford, 2010) p.276
66 Crockatt, Richard, The Fifty Years War, The United States and the Soviet Union in World Politics, 1941-1991 (Routledge, London, 1995) p.25
67 Pike, Francis, Empires at war, A Short History of Modern Asia (I.B.Tauris, London, 2010) p.55
68 Haines, Gerald and J. Samuel Walker, eds., American Foreign Relations, A Historiographical Review (London, Frances Pinter, 1981) p.66
69 Overy, Richard, The Morbid Age, Britain Between the Wars (Allen Lane, London, 2009) p.221