Notes - Hirohito's War
1 Manchester, William, American Caesar, Douglas MacArthur, 1880 -1964 (Dell Publishing, New York, 1978) p.229
2 Borneman, Walter R., The Admirals, Nimitz, Halsey, Leahy, and King_ The Five Star Admirals Who won the War at Sea (Little, Brown and Company, New York, 2012) p.227
3 Manchester, American Caesar, p.230
4 Ambrose, Stephen, Eisenhower, Soldier and President (Simon & Schuster, London, 2003) p.32
5 Manchester, American Caesar, p.180
6 Ibid., p.142
7 Ibid., p.160
8 Ibid., p.163
9 Ambrose, Eisenhower, p.33
10 Wukovits, John, F., Eisenhower (Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2006)
11 Borneman, The Admirals, p.167
12 MacArthur, General Douglas, Reminiscences (Naval Institute Press, 2012: first published 1964) p.101
13 Ibid., p.101
14 Manchester, American Caesar, p.190
15 Bartsch, William H., 8 December 1941: MacArthur’s Pearl Harbor (Texas A&M University Press, 2003) p.73
16 Ibid., p.83
17 Ibid., p.86
18 Ibid., p.79
19 Ibid., p.153
20 Ibid., p.151
21 Manchester, American Caesar, p.233
22 Chief of Naval Operations to General MacArthur 28 Nov 1941:
23 Masuda, Hiroshi, MacArthur in Asia, The General and His Staff in the Philippines, Japan, and Korea (Cornell University Press, 2012) p.33
24 Bartsch, MacArthur’s Pearl Harbor, p.192
25 Manchester, American Caesar, p.236
26 MacArthur, Reminiscences, p.117
27 Perry, Mark, The Most Dangerous Man in America, The Making of Douglas MacArthur (Basic Books, 2014) p.85
28 Toll, Ian W., Pacific Crucible, War at Sea in the Pacific 1941-1943 (W.W. Norton & Co., New York, 2012) p.53
29 Gordon, John, Fighting for MacArthur: The Navy and Marine Corps' Desperate Defense of the Philippines (Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, 2011) p.79
30 Ibid., p.79
31 Ibid., p.80
32 Ibid., p.80
33 Ibid., p.315
34 Hopkins, William, B., The Pacific War, The Strategy, Politics, and Players that won the War (Zenith Press, Minneapolis, 2008) p.37
35 Bartsch, MacArthur’s Pearl Harbor, p.158
36 Manchester, American Caesar, p.242
37 Ibid., p.243
38 Ibid., p.244
39 Stephenson, Michael, Battlegrounds: Geography and the History of Warfare (Simon & Schuster, 2003) p.257
40 Hopkins, The Pacific War, p.50
41 Costello, John, The Pacific War, 1941-1945 (Harper Perennial, New York, 2009, p.174
42 Gordon, Fighting for MacArthur, p.22
43 Manchester, American Caesar, p.239
44 Gordon, Fighting for MacArthur, p.94
45 Ibid., p.161
46 Morton, Louis, The War in the Pacific, The Fall of the Philippines (Center of Military History, United States Army, Washington, D.C,) p.387
47 Young, Donald J., The Battle of Bataan, A Complete History (McFarland & Co., Jefferson, North Carolina, 2009, 2nd Edition) p.38
48 Manchester, American Caesar, p.273
49 Ibid., p.273
50 Borneman, The Admirals, p.227
51 Ibid., p.227
52 Manchester, American Caesar, p.261
53 Perry, The Most Dangerous Man in America: The Making of Douglas MacArthur, p.105
54 Ibid., p.120
55 Buencamino, Victor, Memoirs of Victor Buencamino: A Biography 1888 – 1977 (Historical Conversation Society, The University of Michigan, 1996) p.252
56 Ibid., p.274
57 Toland, John, Rising Sun, The Decline and Fall of the Japanese Empire 1936-1945 (Random House, New York, 1970: Reprinted 2003) p.266
58 Manchester, American Caesar, p.283
59 Ibid., p.285
60 Costello, The Pacific War, p.213
61 Gordon, Fighting for MacArthur, p.171
62 Ibid., p.171
63 Ibid., p.140
64 Warren, Alan, Britain’s Greatest Defeat: Singapore 1942 (Hambledon Continuum, New York, 2007 edition) p.200
65 Manchester, American Caesar, p.297
66 Potter, E.B., Nimitz (Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, 1976)p.45
67 Ibid., p.45
68 Leary, William M., ed., MacArthur and the American Century: A Reader (University of Nebraska Press, Illustrated Reprint 2001) p.210
69 Potter, Nimitz, p.45
70 Costello, The Pacific War, p.227
71 Ibid., p.227
72 Ibid., p.227
73 Ibid., p.228
74 Waldron, Ben and Emily Burneson, Corregidor, “from Paradise to Hell” (University of Michigan, Pine Hill Press, 1988) p.70
75 Ibid., p.70
76 Gordon, Fighting for MacArthur, p.300
77 Ibid., p.301
78 Doll, John G., The Battling Bastards of Bataan (Merriam Press, Bennington VT, First published 1988, Seventh Edition, 2011) p.73
79 Manchester, American Caesar, p.184
80 Ferrel, Robert H., ed., The Eisenhower Diaries (W.W. Norton & Co., New York, 1981) p.54
81 Daly, Erin, Dignity Rights, Courts, Constitutions, and the Worth of the Human Person (University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 2012) p.85
82 Hopkins, The Pacific War, p.36
83 Chynoweth, Bradford Grethen, Memoirs (Exposition Press; Hicksville, NY 1975) p.194
85 Schaller, Michael, Douglas MacArthur: The Far Eastern General (Replica Books, 2001) p.58
86 Long, Gavin, MacArthur (Combined Publishing, Conshohocken PA, 1969) p.86