Notes - Hirohito's War
1 Tamagumi, Toshio,, p.1
2 Ibid., p.1
3 Bergamini, David, Japan’s Imperial Conspiracy; How the Emperor Hirohito led Japan into war against the West (Edwin Mellen Press, 2006) p.14
4 Harmsen, Peter, Shanghai 1937, Stalingrad on the Yangtze (Casemate Publishers, Oxford, 2013) p.23
5 Ibid., p.23
6 Ibid., p.24
7 Ibid., p.25
8 Ibid., p.39
9 Ibid., p.25
10 Ibid., p.51
11 Ibid., p.246
12 Dower, John, Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Aftermath of World War II (Allen Lane, London, 1999) p.108
13 Roberts, John G., Mitsui, Three Centuries of a Japanese Business (Weatherhall Inc., New York, 1983) p.316
14 Bergamini, Japan’s Imperial Conspiracy, p.23
15 Ibid., p.17
16 Chang, Iris, The Rape of Nanking, The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II (Basic Books, New York, 2011) p.38
17 Bergamini, Japan’s Imperial Conspiracy, p.17
18 Chang, The Rape of Nanking, p.40-41
19 Ibid., p.43
20 Ibid., p.45
21 Bergamini, Japan’s Imperial Conspiracy, p.37
22 Chang, The Rape of Nanking, p.49
23 Ibid., p.49
24 Bergamini, Japan’s Imperial Conspiracy, p.41
25 Chang, The Rape of Nanking, p.51
26 Ibid., p.59
27 Bergamini, Japan’s Imperial Conspiracy, p.21
28 Chang, The Rape of Nanking, p.56
29 Ibid., p.85
30 Ibid., p.121
31 Utley, Jonathan G., Going to War with Japan 1937 – 1941 (Fordham University Press, New York, 2005) p.25
32 Ibid., p.27
33 Ibid., p.36
34 Churchill, Winston, Step by Step (Odhams Press Limited, London, 1947: first published 1939) p.193
35 Ibid., p.193
36 Utley, Going to War with Japan, p.54
37 Ibid., p.87
38 De Bary, William Theodore, Sources of East Asian Tradition: The Modern Period (Columbia University Press, New York, 2008) p.622
39 Ibid., p.622
40 Black, Conrad, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Champion of Freedom (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 2003) p.1118
41 Ibid., p.1118
42 Ibid., p.1118
43 Fullilove, Michael, Rendezvous with Destiny (The Penguin Press, New York, 2013) prologue,
44 Smith, Jean Edward, FDR (Random House, New York, 2008) p.292
45 Fullilove, Rendezvous with Destiny, prologue
46 Smith, FDR, p.292
47 Haines, Gerald K. and J. Samuel Walker ed., American Foreign Relations, A Historiographical Review: Stoler, Mark A., World War II Diplomacy, Prelude to Cold War (Frances Pinter, London, 1981) p.191
48 Haines and Walker, ed., Roads to War: Haines, p.48
49 Smith, FDR, p.419
50 Black, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, p.426
51 Morgan, Ted, FDR, A Biography (Simon and Schuster, New York, 1985) p.486
52 Smith, FDR, p.419
53 Ibid., p.420
55 Smith, FDR, p.421
56 Costello, John, The Pacific War, 1941-1945 (Harper Perennial, New York, 2009) p.77
57 Ibid., p.79
58 Smith, FDR, p.510
59 Fullilove, Rendezvous with Destiny, prologue
60 Smith, FDR, p.515
61 Ibid., p.515
62 Ibid., p.511
63 Morgan, FDR, p.577
64 Costello, The Pacific War, p.77
65 Colvin, John, Nomonhan (Quartet Books, London, 1999) p.37
66 Ibid., p.27
67 Ibid., p.89
68 Ibid., p.158-9
69 Bergamini, Japan’s Imperial Conspiracy, p.707
70 Nedialkov, Dimitar, In the Skies of Nomonhan, Japan versus Russia, May – September 1939 (Crécy Publishing Limited, Manchester, 2005) p.143
71 Bergamini, Japan’s Imperial Conspiracy, p.707
72 Toland, John, Rising Sun, The Rise and Fall of the Japanese Empire, 1935 - 1945 (Random House, New York, 1970: Reprinted 2003) p.59
73 Duus, Peter, ed., The Cambridge History of Japan, Volume 6 The Twentieth Century (Cambridge University Press, New York, 1988, 9th Printing) p.128
74 Roberts, John, Mitsui, Three Centuries of Japanese Business (Weatherhill, 1973) p.33
75 Sims, Richard, Japanese Political History Since the Meiji Restoration 1868 – 2000 (Palgrave, New York, 2001) p.209
76 Akinaga Tsukizō, “Idai naru kokuryoku no saikentō,” Jitsugyō no sekai (October 1941), p.21
77 Costello, The Pacific War, p.65
78 Ibid., p.71
79 Ibid., p.71
80 Utley, Going to War with Japan, p.110
81 Ibid., p.114
82 Ibid., p.117
83 Ibid., p.133
84 Ibid., p.135
85 Hotta, Eri, 1941, Countdown to Infamy (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2003) p.126
86 Barnhart, Michael, Japan Prepares for Total War, The Search for Economic Security 1919 – 1941 (Cornell University, 1987) p.211
87 Hotta, 1941, p.127
88 Ibid., p.130
89 Ibid., p.131
90 Ibid., p.135
91 Harvey, Robert, American Shogun, MacArthur, Hirohito and the American Duel with Japan (John Murray, London, 2006) p.89
92 Dower, Embracing Defeat, p.335
93 Freiner, Nicole, The Social and Gender Politics of Confucian Nationalism: Women and the Japanese Nation State (Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2012) p.87
94 Okano, Kaori; Motonori Tsuchiya, Education in Contemporary Japan (Cambridge University Press, 1999) p.48
95 Duus, Peter; Myers, H. Ramon; Peattie, Mark R., ed., The Japanese Wartime Empire 1931-1945 (Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2006) p.311
96 Bix, Herbert, Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan (Duckworth, London, 2000) p.585
97 Ibid., p.409
98 Behr, Edward, Hirohito, Behind the Myth (Hamish Hamilton, London, 1989) p.414
99 Bix, Hirohito, p.7/8
100 Wakabayashi, Bob, Tadashi, Emperor Hirohito on Localized Aggression in China (York University, Toronto) p.20
101 Large, Professor Stephen, Emperor Hirohito: From ‘Myth to History’: Tomlinson Memorial Lecture, 2000:
102 Sims, Japanese Political History, p.191
103 Bergamini, Japan’s Imperial Conspiracy, p.xxviii
104 Large, Professor Stephen, Emperor Hirohito: From ‘Myth to History’: Tomlinson Memorial Lecture, 2000:
105 Kawahara, Toshiaki, Hirohito and his Times (Kodansha America, 1990) p.116
106 Ibid., p.109
107 Ibid., p.109
108 Wakabayashi, Bob, Tadashi, Emperor Hirohito on Localized Aggression in China (York University, Toronto) p.5
109 Ibid., p.5
110 Kojima Noboru, Tenno to Senso sekinin (Tokyo: Bungei shunjiisha,1988), p , 73: from Wakabayashi, Bob, Tadashi, Emperor Hirohito on Localized Aggression in China (York University, Toronto) p.1
111 Behr, Hirohito, p.3
112 Large, Professor Stephen, Emperor Hirohito: From ‘Myth to History’: Tomlinson Memorial Lecture, 2000:
113 Bix, Hirohito, p.3
114 Hiroshi, Takahashi, Heika Otazune Moshiagemasu (Bungei Shinjusha, Tokyo, 1988) p.220: From Wakabayashi, Bob, Tadashi, Emperor Hirohito on Localized Aggression in China (York University, Toronto) p.6
115 Bergamini, Japan’s Imperial Conspiracy, p.xxvi
116 Bix, Hirohito, p.12
117 Bergamini, Japan’s Imperial Conspiracy, p.xxxxvi
118 Ibid., p.25
119 Bix, Hirohito, p.348
120 Fujin Gaho (April 1934) p.166: From Wakabayashi, Emperor Hirohito, p.12
121 Wakabayashi, Emperor Hirohito, p.12
122 Ibid., p.15
123 Akira Fujiwara, Shôwa tennô no ju-go nen sensô (The Showa Emperor’s Fifteen Year War) (Aoiki Shoten, 1991) p. 126, (citing Kenji Tomita's diary.)
124 Bix, Hirohito, p.372
125 Large, Professor Stephen, Emperor Hirohito: From ‘Myth to History’: Tomlinson Memorial Lecture, 2000:
126 Wakabayashi, Emperor Hirohito, p.20
127 Ibid., p.18
128 Large, Professor Stephen, Emperor Hirohito: From ‘Myth to History’: Tomlinson Memorial Lecture, 2000:
129 Large, Stephen, Emperor Hirohito and Showa Japan, A Political Biography (Routledge, London, 1992) p.205
130 Roling B.V.A and Antonio Cassesse, The Tokyo Trial and Beyond (The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 90, No. 2, 1996) p.39
131 Bix, Hirohito, p.610
132 Ibid., p.610
133 Totani, Yuma, Tokyo War Crimes Trial: The Pursuit of Justice in the Wake of World War II (Harvard University Press, Boston, 2008) p.203
134 Dower, Embracing Defeat, p.378
135 Duus, Peter, Japan’s Wartime Empire: Problems and Issues: from The Japanese Wartime Empire 1931 – 1945, p.xi
136 Colvin, Nomohan, p.12
137 Miller, Edward, Bankrupting the Enemy, The US Financial Siege of Japan before Pearl Harbor (Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, 2007) p.191
138 Chace, James, Acheson, The Secretary of State Who Created the American World (Simon and Schuster, New York, 1998) p.85
139 Uttley, Going to War with Japan, p.155
140 Atlantic Charter;
141 Prange, Gordon, At Dawn We Slept (Penguin, New York, 1981) p.206
142 Black, Roosevelt, p.656
143 Ibid., p.657
144 Miller, Bankrupting the Enemy, p.222
145 Harvey, Robert, American Shogun, General MacArthur, Emperor Hirohito and the Drama of Modern Japan (Overlook TP, 2007) p.187
146 Chace, Acheson, p.86
147 Iguchi, Takeo, Demystifying Pearl Harbor: A New Perspective from Japan (I-House Press, 2010) p.75
148 Reynolds, Bruce and Joseph P. Sottile, The Fascist Era: Imperial Japan and the Axis Alliance in Historical Perspective: from Japan in the Fascist Era (Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2004) p.12