Timeline - Hirohito's War
1930 | January, June, November |
1931 | September |
1932 | May, October |
1933 | January - March |
1934 | July - October |
1935 | January - September |
1936 | February - December |
1937 | June - December |
1938 | January - November |
1939 | March - December |
1940 | March - December |
1941 | March - November |
December | |
1942 | January |
February | |
March | |
April - June | |
July - September | |
October - December | |
1943 | January - March |
April - June | |
July - September | |
October - December | |
1944 | January - March |
April - June | |
July - September | |
October - December | |
1945 | January - March |
April - June | |
July - October |
1 January: Borneo: Japanese invasion of Labuan Island (British) in north Borneo.
2 January: The Philippines: Manila and Cavite, US Naval base occupied by Japan.
5 January: The Philippines: US and Philippine troops on Bataan put on half rations.
6-8 January: Malaya: Battle of Slim River: British Army defeated as Yamashita’s force rush south towards Singapore.
7 January: The Philippines: Attack begins on Bataan Peninsula.
9 January: The Philippines: Heavy bombardment of Corregidor begins.
11 January: Dutch East Indies: Oil rich Dutch East Indies invaded.
Malaya: The British Army abandons Kuala Lumpur in northern Malaya.
13 January: Japan: Hirohito presses for the speeding up of the capture of Bataan.
13 January: Germany: Hitler begins U-boat offensive off the coast of the United States.
16 January: Burma: General Iida invades Burma
Malaya: The Battle of Muar River. British Army defeated again by Yamashita
19 January: Borneo: Japanese forces complete conquest of Northern Borneo
20 January: Germany: SS leader Heydrich holds ‘Final Solution’ conference on Lake Wannsee near Potsdam.
21 January: North Africa: Rommel counter-offensive in North Africa.
22 January: The Philippines: General Wainwright withdraws from the Abucay Line on Bataan.
23 January: New Britain: Australian forces at Rabaul (New Britain Island) attacked and port town taken.
Borneo: Naval Battle of Balikpapan. Minor allied victory when ABDA destroyer force of US destroyers sink four Japanese convoy ships off the west coast of Borneo.
Celebes: Japanese forces of the eastern thrust toward Java captures Kendari on the east coast of the Celebes.
25 January: Borneo: The Battle of Balikpapan. Japanese forces of the central thrust toward Java capture Balikpapan City.
26 January: Great Britain: First US forces arrive.
27 January: India: General Wavell appointed commander of American, British, Dutch and American Forces (ABDA).
30 January: Singapore: British forces retreat across causeway to Singapore and Japanese siege begins.
31 January: Malaya: Yamashita’s forces arrive at Johor Bahru on the southern tip of Johor facing across the channel to Singapore.
Singapore: British Army blows up the causeway linking Singapore and Johor.